The Sega Saturn Electronic Book Operator (also known as Sega Saturn Denshi Book Operator / HSS-0120) software allows the Sega Saturn to play back the CD-ROM e-book formats EB, EBG and EBXA.

I have had this software in my possession for many years now, but never came past the screen “Please set an EBdisc” due to the lack of compatible data discs.

Last week I received a broken Sony Data Discman that came with an EBG disc in a caddy.

The 8 cm (3 inch) mini CD can be removed and used with the Electronic Book Operator in the Sega Saturn.

This is the German ROCHE medical dictionary EBG as played on a Sega Saturn (only photos for now. I’ll have to take proper screen grabs when there is more time).

Hello, can you make an image of your eBook disc ?