Today the brand new Neo Geo X Classics Vol. 1 was in the mail. It contains the games Metal Slug 2, Sengoku and Top Hunter: Roddy & Cathy on a special SD card.
Also included are the Rocket Cable for charging and upgrading the handheld, firmware v500 (on the SD card) and two manuals (two pages each):
The firmware upgrade takes a couple of minutes and after that you have a device that can not run custom roms anymore. Let’s see what the homebrew community will do to resolve that…
Also I noticed:
- The user interface is cleaner and more responsive
- The aspect ratio setting (L1) is saved (but not per game)
- The video output via HDMI still looks like shit, L1 then doesn’t change the aspect ratio but brings up the menu
- The Ninja Master’s card can still be played (contrary to what has been stated in the upgrade manual)

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